Draw View
DrawView is a subclass of UIView that supports drawing by the user. The view is configurable and can be used for user signatures or as a basic drawing view. At any time the view can animate its contents and re-draw the path. It is available as a CocoaPod by adding \pod DrawView\ in your pod file.
View on GitHubJSON to Foundation
JSON to Foundation is a Mac app that creates Foundation Object headers/implementation files from a JSON Object. Input a valid JSON object into the main text area, name the object, and click Convert and you h/m files will be created on your Desktop.
View on GitHubEvent Manager
iPad app that allows for management of events happening on campus. Allows for basic editing of the event as well as adding workers to the event. Reports can easily be pulled and emailed to the user.
Orientation Worker Schedule
Digital schedule for orientation workers to take with them wherever they are.